Please Join us for the 5th Annual Will Haney Foundation
"Race of Champions"

Your tax deductible donation helps us provide financial assistance to cancer patients & their families, sponsor cutting edge research for rhabdomyosarcoma and provide scholarships for graduating Seniors going into the nursing field or ROTC.
Lace up your running shoes and participate in our annual Race of Champions 5k. Bring the whole family and help to make a difference in fighting cancer. Click below to find out more!
We are always looking for volunteers for our events. If you would like to help, we would welcome your support. To contact us about becoming a volunteer, click the button below.
Follow us on Facebook to keep up with the latest news about childhood cancer, the patients & families we help support and ways you can help make a difference in the fight against cancer. Spread the word on social media and help us change the future of childhood cancer and other types of cancer. Email us if you have other ideas on how you can help. Below are the links to our social media sites.